Robin Cameron
No, cyanotype printed on silk, each letter 34 x 45 in (shown at Parapet Real Humans)
Yes, cyanotype printed on silk, each letter 34 x 45 in (shown at Parapet Real Humans)
Maggie Wells Video, 2014, video, 5m 25sec
Foggy Self III, 2014, etched glass and mirror, 42 x 60 in
Freud Iceberg Slideshow, 2014, slide projector, slides, letterpress on paper, dimensions variable
Clear Face, 2014, brass and marble, 13 x 6 x 5 in
Ear Face, 2014, brass and marble, 13.5 x 7 x 7 in
Sad Eye Face, 2014, brass and marble, 13 x 5.5 x 5.5 in
M was a quiet man who liked his books, 2014, photogram, 5 x 7 in
L liked to work with concrete, 2014, photogram, 5 x 7 in
A for Apple, 2014, Photogram, 11.6 x 8.2 in
B for Banana, 2014, Photogram, 11.6 x 8.2 in
G for Grape, 2014, Photogram, 11.6 x 8.2 in
Everyone is Everyone (Artist), 2014, 17 part print, letterpress, silkscreen and chine collé on paper, 11.5 x 14 in
Everyone is Everyone (Visionary), 2014, 17 part print, letterpress, silkscreen and chine collé on paper, 11.5 x 14 in
Everyone is Everyone (Protector), 2014, 17 part print, letterpress, silkscreen and chine collé on paper, 11.5 x 14 in
Everyone is Everyone (Key), 2014, 17 part print, letterpress, silkscreen and chine collé on paper, 11.5 x 14 in
Everyone is Everyone, 2014, 17 framed works, letterpress, silkscreen and chine collé on paper, each at 12.5 x 16 in
Movement III (Detail), 2014, Chine Colle Print, Japanese paper, wheat paste, 180 x 72 in
Movement III, 2014, Chine Colle Print, Japanese paper, wheat paste, 180 x 72 in
Untitled, 2014, Chine-Colle on Paper, 28 x 19.5 in
Who You at Room East, Find Them, 2014, etched copper plates, 72 x 54 in
Find Them, 2014, etched copper plates, 72 x 54 in
The Built Environment, 2014, Installation with Josh Tonsfeldt’s work
Vayyyse, 2014, Ceramic with Flower Arrangement, 12 x 6 x 5 in
B was a painter and kept a bunch of objects around her studio that she could potentially paint, 2014, photogram on paper, 8 x 10 in